Mirror Neurons' Natural Optics and Platonic Fullerene Chemistry
Over the top fierce hatred toward old Greek insightful learning arrived at a savage crescendo subject to Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria. In Edward Gibbon's 'The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire', the start of the Dark Ages started with the homicide of the overseer of the Great Library of Alexandria, Hypatia. In 415 St Augustine pronounced Hypatia's Platonic arithmetic to be crafted by the Devil, polluting Western science until now. At long last, after right around 1,000 years of scholastic Platonic exploration, Plato's Academy was expelled from the Roman Empire as an unorthodox establishment by Emperor Justinian I, in 529. Cosimo Medici restored Plato's Academy during the fifteenth Century close to Florence and designated Marcilio Ficino as its Head. Harvard University Press prompts that Ficino's 'Dispassionate Theology' maintained the ethos of the Great Italian Renaissance. In the illumination of this, Leonardo da Vinci's mec...